C — Chivalry Is Still Alive | It Has A Quiet New Look Of An Undercover Agent | Who Never Needs Audience Or Applause

In The End — It’s Always About Honor And Selfless Protection

Barb Ann Johnson
2 min readFeb 13, 2022
Color photo of a lion and a small boy, peacefully communing in an outside field.
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

Chivalry is alive and well

Although it isn’t a word we often hear

Chivalry definitely is alive and well

It has a new veiled look of — invisible helper — protector

No outlandish swords, armor or battlements

Some call it cheesy, outdated — Dead

Chivalry isn’t dead — it is very much alive

It’s actions, motives and sincerity are apparent and clear

Unmistakably generous acts aren’t lost on the receivers

Even if the kindnesses are anonymous

Yes, chivalry is alive and well.

Thank you for reading,

Barb Ann

ps..Thank you Iris B. Stehn for the writing prompt

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Barb Ann Johnson

Alaskan, who used Bee Venom Therapy to keep MS symptoms under control. Become a Medium member — Read Anytime — https://linktr.ee/bannjohnson (affiliate links)