Barb Ann Johnson
2 min readApr 28, 2021


Photo by Sergey on Unsplash

One Writer’s Vacation Diary

Out Of My Comfort Zone

Hopped a plane to Africa this last trip

The time before that was New York

A first visit

It was madness really

Yet brilliant in hindsight

The cure for writers block

“Saw it in a magazine” my friend shared,

“How brave are you?” He challenged

He went with me

He was always one who backed up his words with actions

This time with money too

He paid for the whole thing

Didn’t sleep the first two nights

Too worried about lions

They said there weren’t any nearby

But I’ve seen too many movies

Our days, nights were free

Just show some work every day

Meet up at eight for breakfast, share your work

Writing a paragraph at least

The rest of the day is yours

Walked around checking my surroundings constantly

staying close to groups of people

I wrote mostly about how I was apprehensive



Barb Ann Johnson

Alaskan, who used Bee Venom Therapy to keep MS symptoms under control. Become a Medium member — Read Anytime — (affiliate links)