Member-only story
X — Xylophone | There’s A Sparkle Of Mystery About The Xylophone | So Full Of Colorful-Musical Hope And Possibilities
If Beauty Lies With The Beholder — I See A Limitless Kaleidoscope Of Marvelous Sunny Design

The xylophone — such a grand idea
Guaranteed to delight both young and old
Musical notes with fanciful colors
Graduated over time with new hues and unique sizes
Shapes — odd dimensions and added
Alluring tempo and jingle
Even the most stone-cold stoic can’t ignore
For the xylophone will pleasantly distract
It’ll only take a moment
To transport you
From your cares
And worry
To a joyful — musical relief of
Something much better
But only if you’re willing to stop
And play the xylophone for just a little while.
Thank you for reading,
Barb Ann
ps…Thanks to Iris B. Stehn for the writing prompt.
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