Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Hymn Devotionals

5 stories

Color photo of a wooden plaque with the word Hymns engraved.
Color photo of a rosary and cross laying inside a hymnal.
Color photo of a climber helping another climber up a mountridge.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Some Favorite Medium Authors

20 stories

Vintage suitcase with camera and scattered black and white photographs
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Medium —Oops and Tips

35 stories

people working online
Photo of dog and hyacinth
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Don’t You Dare Give Up !!

6 stories

The Hula Hoop Method For Writers. Woman in red dress doing hula hoop.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson


8 stories

Easy, creamy, and delicious hummus.
Simple, healthy, and delicious pico de gallo salsa
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson


3 stories

I Signed Up for Simily Because FOMO
Young girl smiling at laptop screen since whe is writing on Simily.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Freelance Writing Opportunities

9 stories

writing, freelance writing, pubishing, reading, freelancing
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson


3 stories

Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Covid 19, Masks, Etc

1 story

Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann’s Fiction Writing Prompts

6 stories

Color photo of a man typing on an older typewriter.
Photo that reads, Second Chance, on a post with arrows pointing in two different directions. Almost sunset in the background, a woman stands, leaning back a bit, with outstretched arms,  embracing the moment.
Photo of a beautiful mountain covered with snow, next to a field of equally striking pink wildflowers.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

My Neighbor’s Technology Woes

2 stories

Black and white photo of an unknown contraption of technology, flanked by a skyrise building.
Color photo of a black mobile phone, face down on a surface. Bright lights in the background of otherwise darkness.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

The Crazy Bee Lady

5 stories

Photo of graphic with yellow background ‘Rewriting My Life After Multiple Sclerosis’ with pencils on the side.
Graphic photo that reads, After BVT (Bee Venom Therapy) Fades, Bee Alive Journal, on a yellow background with a couple of honey bees.
Photo of a mass of luvehoneybees.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann’s Free Verse Poems

10 stories

Color photo of a statue of a man in active life struggle on the side of a wall.
Photo of a young black woman with braids, grimacing with her eyes closed.
Photo of pussy willows buds on a blue sky background.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Health Tips | Alternative Medicine

21 stories

Photo of a large black and brown tarantula. Background outside in a desert type environment.
A photo of a lone elephant, two other elephants are in the background.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann’s Personal Stories

11 stories

Color photo of liver and onions with broccoli on the side.
Black and white graphic that reads; Hi I’m Pete!
Color aerial photo of Yankee Stadium. It’s A Fun Stroll When You’re A Teenager. Walking To Yankee Stadium Was A Breeze
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann’s Fiction Short Stories

3 stories

Color photo of a lush, growing rhubarb crop. A black place marker reads; Rhabarber.
Color photo of the magician’s tools of the trade; top hat, white-tipped wand, white gloves, rings and playing cards.
Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Sharing Medium Stories

1 story

Barb Ann Johnson

Barb Ann Johnson

Boost Book Sales

1 story